Saturday, November 26, 2005


I am one of those people who love to eat sardines. Today I purchased 8 tins of sardines. When I go to the grocery store and reach for the sardines people look at me as if I was buying a Hustler magazine. The checkout clerks ask me if I actually eat "those things". "No - I am purchasing them for garden fertilizer" is my standard reply. Yes, I know they smell funny and still have their scales and guts but they taste good.

One time I was at the Twin Cities Marathon Pre-Race Expo in Minneapolis. Two college age girls were handing out free tins of King Oscar Sardines. Business was not good even though these delicaces were "FREE". I went past their booth 5 or 6 times until it became obvious that I was hoarding their offering. Finally one of the young lady's asked me if I wanted to "take a case". It turns out that the distributor had hired them to handout four cases and once these were distributed their job was done. I could not believe my luck. Well these sardines were packed 8 to a tin - I guess one could say they were packed by "family unit". The mom and dad and all the brothers and sisters. It was then that I found out that sardine families were limited to 8. In my case I found 64 tins or families. Using my engineering mind I quickly determined that I had 512 sardines. My Gosh - I had an entire "village" of sardines.

Well I took these to work as my wife would not allow them at home. I put them in my desk and used them to punish my co-workers for the better part of 6 months. I always had fun disposing of the empty tin after I ate a family. I would sneak around until I found an empty office and quickly deposit the tin in the empty office's garbage can.

I guess one could say that sardines taste good but smell bad. It is obvious that most sardines shower infrequently.

Anyway - Give them a try. They're good for you!

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